I'm a student at Purdue majoring in computer science. I value high agency, am passionate in building great products, and seek out type II adventures.
Currently, I'm working on a project to prevent doomscrolling for news. Previously, I've built Hyper (acquired), and IntelliTrade.
In my free time, you'll find me hiking, reading, travelingđ â, fixing my Japanese mini truckđ ī¸ â, and learning how to fly a planeđŠī¸ â.

STAR - allign antennas with your phone

Dead Simple News - AI summarized news

splats.cloud - host your gaussian splats

Are You Smarter Than GPT? - trivia spinoff
Next:Hanoi, Vietnam
I've been incredibly privileged to backpack all over the world in the past couple years. Below are some of my favorite photos - spanning Europe, hikes in Peru, Japan, Egypt and more!